Monday, September 6, 2010

A new day tomorrow

Tomorrow starts the first day of school. The advertisers would have one believe that this is the happiest sentence in the English language. I'm not sure why.

Tomorrow is the day I have to drop of my oldest son to a group of people I don't know and who may or may not share my values. I have to trust that they will nurture my child with the same love and attention that his dad and I do. That can't happen. They didn't see him the day he was born - so helpless and tiny and needy. They didn't see him the day he learned to stand, wobbly and unsure before he plopped on the floor. They don't see him when he's tired and vulnerable and just wants to cry in a heap on his bed. No, they can't love and nurture him the way we can.

The school cannot teach him about the Bible and what God wants for us. That is our job as his parents. Yet, the Lord wants us to think and learn about him all the time. How does that work while he's away at school where they talk about things that are against God's teachings? I pray constantly that the Lord watches over our son and keeps him safe from both bodily and spiritual harm.

I would love to homeschool him, but he likes school, and for now it works. But, to rejoice in sending him? I don't think I could ever do that.

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