Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It doesn't have to be perfect!

While I was busy vacuuming up a couple of months' worth of dust balls from under my bed this morning, I was thinking about why my house has been in such a state of chaos for so long.

As the dust balls disappeared, it occured to me that I'm the one who thinks that everything has to get done at once and be done perfectly. So, instead of doing some, and being thankful that one task is done, I get overwhelmed, anxious and paralyzed by what I need to do, so nothing gets done.

Because I started using Google calendar and Google task list, I decided last week to make a chore for myself everyday, just as I do for the children.  That has been the best thing I could have done for myself.  Yes, the downstairs still has an inch of dust but instead of yelling at everyone and taking a whole day to clean my entire house top to bottom while no homeschooling gets done and making everyone miserable in the process, I do one thing a day, just one.  And I ignore the rest.

It's on my list - it will get done.  I sometimes have to repeat to myself several times an hour "It will get done", but I can relax and enjoy the children, enjoy reading to them, and ignore the mess.  And next week it will be even easier because not only will my house be clean, but it will stay that way every week.

This is such a freeing feeling - It doesn't have to be done all at once AND it doesn't have to be perfect


  1. ahhhhh...thoughts from another 'J' personality (Jungian personality types -- J's need order, definition, closure). my therapist once told me that most of her female clients are J's. :) being a mom/wife/homemaker is the ultimate job that is never done. for those of us who need closure to feel a sense of accomplishment, it can be tough to navigate. i too have relaxed my once-rigid household standards significantly, and all are happier for it. my rule is, if i notice it's dirty, i clean it. i like that pattern better than 'i should clean everything once a week' or whatever.

  2. Anna - my weekly schedule is:

    Monday - clean bathroom sinks/toilets
    Tuesday - dust upstairs
    Wednesday - vacuum upstairs
    Thursday - dust downstairs
    Friday - vacuum downstairs
    Saturday clean shower and mop kitchen/bathroom floors

    Each of these tasks only takes about 1/2 hour and make our house much more liveable :)

    My kids also have daily tasks that help. They each are responsible for picking up toys and one picks up books, one picks up clothes/shoes/trash and one sweeps the kitchen floor. That is their evening job before dessert and before bed.

    Of course then there's my regular stuff like washing dishes and kitchen counters, but those are things that are just habit and don't have to be scheduled.
